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    beyond compare[英][biˈjɔnd kəmˈpɛə][美][biˈɑnd kəmˈpɛr]無可比擬,舉世無雙; The light, as always, was beyond compare and there was a watery chill in the air. 光線一如既往,美妙地無與倫比;還有空氣裡那潮溼的寒意。2.The Louvre is a great museum – arguably beyond compare in the range, scale and quality of its collections – but it"s a hard place to love. It is almost too grand for that. 像盧浮宮這樣一座偉大的博物館-無論在其規模還是收藏品的價值方面都被公認為無以倫比,然而,它卻因過於龐大和偉大而很難讓人愛上。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 現在過年越來越沒年味,你能說說以前過年為什麼會年味很足呢?