  • 1 # 使用者1447668721626

    福如東海長流水,壽比南山不老松 的橫批是 福壽雙全。

    上聯 福如東海長流水,

    下聯 壽比南山不老松

    橫批 福壽雙全

  • 2 # 使用者8429201213648

    as beatific as the water which is forever flowing in Donghai Sea.as longevous as the pinasters which are never old in Mountain Nanshan.這裡的南山和東海其實都不是真實的南山和東海,所以應該直接用拼音拼寫出來.如果是祝福的話,那就應該是:Wish you as beatific as the water which is forever flowing in Donghai Sea, as longevous as the pinasters which are never old in Mountain Nanshan.

  • 3 # 美麗小番茄


  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 剪紙的由來30字?