  • 1 # uotkn25480

    makeup是化妝的意思。makeup:n. 化妝品;組成;體格;性格;補充;例句用作名詞 (n.)1)For the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the lily. 漂亮的姑娘加上化裝,是錦上添花。2)I can not tell who"s who when the women take off their makeup. 女士們卸了妝,我就分辨不出誰是誰。3)The makeup and role of the board of directors varies from one company to another. 至於董事會的組成和作用,各公司不盡相同。4)I never expected he should have a stout makeup. 我真沒想到,他竟然有這麼強壯的體格。5)Lying is not in her makeup. 她不會說謊的。

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