  • 1 # 不會抽菸的煙

    concert musicale philharmonic等都有音樂會的意思。


    1,流行歌曲的愛好者紛紛從四面八方向音樂會的舉辦地點聚集。 Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around.

    2,真可惜兩個音樂會時間上有衝突,我本來想兩個都去。 It"s a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.

    3,音樂會將在學校的禮堂內舉行。 The concert will be in the school hall.

    4,到音樂會去換換環境比較好。 It is good to go to a concert for a change.

    5,音樂會將於星期六舉行。 The concert will be given on Saturday.

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