1 # 使用者2317386394918334
2 # 妮楠寧寧
Asfor me, I can't wait to get back on the court to continue doing what Ilove to do.
Asfor that new little younger sister, you or will remain to the next year give Alexander.
Asfor noodles themselves, they emerged more than 2, 000years ago to become a worldwide staple.
Notes: 1., Asfor valves in pound unit, connection unit "f" is expressed with "w" if butt weld adopted; "f" expressed with "r" if metal ring adopted.
Notes: 1., Asfor valves in pound unit, connection unit "f" is expressed with "w" if butt weld adopted; "f" expressed with "r" if metal ring adopted.
3 # 使用者6051855035784
The thief was caught by the police almost immediately.As for the stolen jewels, they were found in a dustbin.
小偷幾乎當時就被警察抓住。至於偷去的寶石, 也在垃圾箱裡找到了。
I think he is smart. And as for his sister, I think she is even smarter. 我覺得他很聰明。至於他妹妹,我覺得她甚至更聰明一些。
As for me, I have nothing more to add. 至於我,我沒有更多的話要說了。
4 # 使用者212246870
1.As for avoiding you, nothing could be further from my mind.
2As for food for the party, that's all being taken care of.
3As for anything told to me in confidence, well, my lips are sealed.
As for me, I teach art. 至於我自己,我教藝術。2.As for these people did before, now what do can succeed with similar!!!!! 好像因為這些人以前做過什麼,現在跟著做就能成功似的!3.Alright, and as for ‘the end of all of this, ’ have you ever seen anything in thisworld just cease to be? 好吧,至於‘所有這一切的終點’,你看到過這個世界中什麼東西終止存在了嗎?