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    有你真好英語It is real good to have you .例句1. Welcome back, Deborah—It"s good to have you here. 歡迎回來,德博拉,有你在這兒真好。2. How nice for you, Mr. Software: Do you ever unsuccessfully save? 軟體先生,你真好, 你有過儲存不成功的時候 嗎 ?3. That"s so nice of you, what"s the occasion? 你真好, 有什麼喜事 嗎 ?4. If the job"sthat good, you"ll have stacks of money. 如果這個工作真有那麼好,你將會賺很多錢。5. What"s your secret for this wonderful pastry? 你做的酥餡餅真好,有什麼訣竅?

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