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     Point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板)  Put it on your head. (放在腦袋上)  最後一個head改成nose,mouth,ear等其它身體部位,甚至可以改成chair、table等等地方,呵呵,可以靈活運用哦。  3、歌曲《One little flower》  One little flower  (伸出一個食指做“1”狀,然後兩個手腕並在一起放在下巴下面,做“花朵”狀)  One little bee  (兩個手臂放在身體兩側,手掌快速扇動做蜜蜂飛)  One little blue bird, high in the tree.  (兩隻手臂大幅度地扇動做小鳥飛行狀,然後舉到空中)  One little brown deer, smiling at me.  (手掌張開,拇指頂在太陽穴扮成小鹿的角,臉部做一個大大的微笑)  4、歌曲《Ten little fingers》  Ten little fingers (伸出十個手指)  And ten little toes (指指你的腳趾)  Two little arms, and one little nose(摸摸你的手臂,指指鼻子)  One little mouth, and two little ears(指指嘴巴,摸摸耳朵)  Two little eyes for smiles and tears.(指指眼睛,兩個食指從嘴角往上劃做微笑狀,往下劃做哭泣狀,表情也要搭配好哦。)  5、歌曲《Finger family》  Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? (把大拇指藏起來)  Here I am, here I am,how do you do?(露出大拇指,一邊彎曲它做鞠躬狀)  Daddy finger指的是大拇指,同樣Mommy finger、brother finger, sister finger, baby finger分別是指食指、中指、無名指和小指。在各個手指上畫上眼睛嘴巴,建議把每個手指的特點都畫出來,增加趣味性:比如daddy finger上畫一個特別的大大的鼻子,不用畫頭髮。Mommy finger誇張地畫上紅嘴唇,長頭髮;brother finger的脖子處就畫一個領結;sister finger頭上畫一個髮結;至於baby finger,畫一個大笑的嘴巴好了。你的寶寶一定喜歡這個充滿趣味的遊戲,而且很快,他就可以用how do you do來問候你了 6、《The finger family》  Daddy finger, daddy finger (把拇指藏在拳頭中間)  Here I am, here I am. (伸出拇指)  How are you today? (一隻拇指向另一隻彎腰鞠躬)  Very well I thank you. (另一個拇指鞠躬還禮)  Run away , run way. (兩隻拇指一起消失)  7、歌曲《clap your hands》  Clap clap clap your hands, as slowly as you can.  (一邊念一邊拍手,語速要慢)  Clap clap clap your hands as quickly as you can  (語速加快,拍手的速度也跟著加快)  這裡的clap your hands 可以依次改成shake your hands(擺手), roll your hands(拳頭握起來平放在胸前,前後交替移動), wiggle your fingers(十個手指一張一合), pound your fists(握起拳頭互相輕輕敲打)。  8、歌曲《hello》  Hello hello hello,how are you?  I’m fine ,I’m fine ,I hope that you’re too.  在你的手掌心裡用筆(當然最好用鮮豔的顏料)畫上嘴巴鼻子,嘴巴的形狀可以誇張一些,比如一張哈哈大笑的嘴巴。一邊唱這個歌,一邊搖晃著手掌跟寶寶打招呼,還可以讓彎曲你的手掌讓它鞠躬。要是孩子喜歡聽故事,聽完這首問候的歌以後,媽媽可以讓你的手掌臉講故事、背歌謠。其實故事和歌謠都是平時熟悉的,有了手掌上這張有趣的臉,寶寶的注意力就不會分散到別的地方去了,從而不容易被周圍的環境弄得煩躁不安。  9、歌曲《Twinkle little star》  Twinkle twinkle little star, (兩個手的手指一張一合,示意星星在眨眼睛)  How I wonder what you are, (兩個食指放在太陽穴旁邊做思索狀)  Up above the world so high (雙手舉到空中隨著音樂節奏搖晃)  Like a diamond in the sky. (兩手的食指和大拇指分別伸出來放在一起,做成一個鑽石形狀)  Twinkle twinkle little star,  How I wonder what you are,  10、英文歌謠《The Elephant Goes》  The elephant goes like this, like that. (四肢著地,慢慢地像大象一樣走)  He\'s terribly big, (站起來,把手舉高)  And he\'s terribly fat. (雙臂向兩邊伸開)  He has no fingers, (握拳,藏起手指)  He has no toes, (搖動腳趾)  But goodness gracious, (做一個吃驚的表情)  What a nose! (指鼻子)  11、兒歌《Walking, Walking》  Walking, walking, walking, walking,  (把食指和中指放在另一隻手背上,象走路一樣地一前一後移動兩個手指)  Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop,  (兩個手指同時跳起來再落回到手背)  Running, running, running,  (快速地移動兩個手指,做跑狀)  Running, running, running,  Now, let\'s stop, (停住不動)  Up and down. (兩隻手指指天空,再指指地面

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