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    這是『世說新語·棲逸』上關於劉驎之的故事。 【原文】贈貺甚厚。驎之聞命,便升舟,悉不受所餉,緣道以乞窮乏。 【白話】(荊州刺史桓衝)給(劉驎之)的禮物很豐厚。劉驎之接到桓衝的邀請後,欣然上了來接他的船。一路之上,把給他的禮物分發給窮困乞討有需要的人。 【英文】Prefecture Huan Chong of JingZhou arranged a boat for Liu LinZhi as transportation and accommodation, loaded with lavish gifts. Once receiving the invitation, Liu LinZhi was abroad the boat for him. Along the way, he distributed, instead of keeping up, all gifts to the beggars, the poor or whoever was in need.

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