  • 1 # qz贈送

    下課的英語是After class。After class的英音讀法是[ˈɑ:ftə(r)][klɑ:s],美音讀法是[ˈæftɚ][klæs]。after的意思是……後的;(表示時間)在……以後;(表示位置、順序)在……後面。class的意思可以用作名詞、形容詞和動詞,可以翻譯為班、等級,等等。擴充套件資料:下課的雙語例句:

    1、快下課了。The class will be over soon.

    2、還有10分鐘就下課了。Class will be over in ten minutes.

    3、下課以後你想幹什麼?What do you want to do after class?

  • 2 # 使用者1741069148736

    Every one is a little bit tired and sleepy after finishing the English class.Some of the students put their heads on the desk to take a quick snap before attending the next Math class; and some others are trying to refresh theirselves by chatting,walking and drinking water.

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