  • 1 # zkamr38729

    hardly …at all幾乎根本不……In our civilized, modern life, we use our teeth for eating only, and our fingernails andtoenails are used hardly at all, except for decoration. 在我們文明的現代化生活中,我們的牙齒僅用來吃飯,而手指甲和腳趾甲除了裝飾幾乎根本用不到。But these developments, in Henry"s boyhood, had touched farming hardly at all andfarmers went on doing things in the way they had always done. 但在亨利的童年,這些發展幾乎根本觸及不到農業,而農民們一直延續著由來已久的務農方式。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 勞務派遣工的工資、社保和工傷等福利,是由企業承擔還是勞務派遣公司負責承擔?