  • 1 # 83823堃






    不是所有的函式都有導數,一個函式也不一 定在所有的點上都有導數。若某函式在某一點導數存在,則稱其在這一點可導,否則稱為不可導。然而,可導的函式一定連續;不連續的函式一定不可導。

    對於可導的函式f(x),xf'(x)也是一個函式,稱作f(x)的導函式(簡稱導數)。尋找已知的函式在某點的導數或其導函式的過程稱為求導。實質上,求導就是一個求極限的過程,導數的四則運演算法則也來源於極限的四則運演算法則。反之,已知導函式也可以倒過來求原來的函式,即不定積分。微積分基本定理說明了求原函式與積分是等價的。求導和積分是一對互逆的操作,它們都是微積分學中最為基礎的概念。 [1]




    Let f be a real function of one variable. The derivative of f is the new function f' whose value at x is the slope of f at x.

    In symbols,

    f'(x) = st ( f(x +Δx)-f(x))


    Let f be a real function of one variable. The derivative of f is the new function

    f' whose value at x is the slope of f at x. In symbols,

    f'(x) = st ( f(x +


    Let f be a real function of one variable. The derivative of f is the new function

    f' whose value at x is the slope of f at x. In symbols,

    f'(x) = st ( f(x +


    Let f be a real function of one variable. The derivative of f is the new function

    f' whose value atx is the slope of f at x. In symbols,

    f'(x) = st ( f(x + - f(x))

    whenever the slope exists.

    The derivative f'(x) is undefined if the slope of f does not exist at x.

    For a given point a, the slope of f at a and the derivative of f at a are the

    same thing. We usually use the word 'slope' to emphasize the geometric picture and 'derivative' to emphasize the fact that f' is a function. whenever the slope exists.

    The derivative f'(x) is undefined if the slope of f does not exist at x.

    For a given point a, the slope of f at a and the derivative of f at a are the

    same thing. We usually use the word 'slope' to emphasize the geometric picture and 'derivative' to emphasize the fact that f' is a function.(導數是新的函式!)

  • 2 # cao家h

    向量空間或稱線性空間,是現代數學中的一個基本概念,是線性代數研究的基本物件。 向量空間是線性代數的主體,它是數學中基本又重要的概念,其概念是:設V為n維向量的集合,如果集合V非空,且集合V對於加法及乘數兩種運算封閉,那麼就稱集合V為向量空間。其理論和方法已應用到自然科學、工程技術及社會科學的諸多領域。

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