  • 1 # 流星雨永恆的希望


    1、To love others is to be loved.愛人即愛己。

    2、To hesitate means failure.猶豫不決就意味著失敗。

    3、To do morning exercises is useful for our health. 做早操有利於我們的健康。

    4、To clean the window is your duty.清潔窗戶是你的職責。( 不定式的邏輯主語是 “you”)

    5、To point out the difficulties is my purpose. 指出困難是我的目的。( 不定式的邏輯主語是 “I”)


    1、I can't bear to look back.往事不堪回首。

    2、The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司機沒能及時看見另一輛車。

    3、The driver failed to see the other car in time.駕駛員未能及時看到另1輛車。

    4、I want to learn English well.我想把英語學好。

    5、what I have to do now is to finish the homework.我現在要做的事就是完成我的作業。


    1、I have many books to read. 我有許多書要讀。

    2、We must find a person to do the work.我們必須找到一個人來做這個工作。

    3、I have no pen to write with.我沒有鋼筆寫字。

    4、She has nothing to worry about.她沒什麼好擔心的。

    5、He is always the first to come and the last to leave.他總是第一個到,最後一個離開的人。


    1、He is too young to go to school.他的年紀太大了,所以不能去上學了。

    2、Come to see me again soon. 儘快再來看我。

    3、He was astonished to hear the terrible news.聽到那個可怕的訊息,他感到震驚。

    4、I trembled to think of it. 我一想到那件事就不寒而慄。

    5、You couldn't do that to save your life. 你即使為了救自己也不能那樣做。


    1、I like you to keep everything tidy. 我喜歡你使每件東西都保持整潔。

    2、he hopes us to win. 他希望我們獲勝。(to win屬於賓補,即賓語補足語的成分)

    3、they invited me to go with them.他們邀請我和他們一起去。

    4、i want you to speak to him.我要你和他談談。

    5、We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class.我們認為湯姆是班上最好的學生之一。

  • 2 # 使用者833509275643


      1) It's easy (for me) to do that.我做這事太容易了

      easy, difficult,  hard,  important,  possible,  impossible, comfortable,  necessary,

      the first,  the next,   the last,  the best, too much,  too little,  not enough,  better;

      It's so nice to hear your voice.


      It's necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use it.


      2) It's very kind of you to help us. 他幫助我們,他真好。

      Kind, nice,  stupid, rude,  clever, foolish, thoughtful, thoughtless, brave, considerate(考慮周到的), silly,  selfish(自私的)


      It seemed selfish of him not to give them anything. 他不給他們任何東西,這顯得太自私了。

      It was silly of us to believe him. 我們真愚蠢,竟然相信了他。


      1) 其他系動詞如,look,appear等也可用於此句型

      2) 不定式作為句子成分時,動詞用單數形式。

      3) 當不定式作主語的句子中又有一個不定式作表語時,不能用It is… to…的句型

      (對)To see is to believe. 百聞不如一見。

      (錯)It is to believe to see.

  • 3 # 好學雪梨2M


  • 4 # 使用者7009790187174

    不定式作非謂語動詞能表示原因。如:I am glad to see you.

    glad是形容詞,意思是“高興的,愉快的”。to see是不定式,表示“高興”的原因。

    Iam glad to see you.這句話的意思是:見到你我很高興。


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