  • 1 # 北執36552

    一個有禮貌的紳士 a good-mannered gentleman

    一個有禮貌的紳士,絕不會把自己的刀叉伸到別人的盤子裡 a good-mannered gentleman never thrusts his knife and fork into the food on someone else’s plate

    You are really a gentleman. 你真是一位紳士。

  • 2 # 欽小貝

    紳士[shēn shì]英文:

    1. gentleman;

    2. gentry;

    3. gent;

    4. caballero;

    5. rye


    1. 女士們和紳士們賣弄他們的美妙姿態、才智和魅力。

    Ladies and gentlemen paraded their fine manners, wit, and charm.

    2. 他為人謙和而且有紳士風度,認識他的人都很尊重他。

    He was respected by all who knew him for his kind and gentlemanly consideration.

    3. 把盜竊藝術品看作是一種紳士犯罪的觀念已經過時了。

    The image of art theft as a gentleman's crime is outdated .

    4. 他總是舉止得體,一直是個完美的紳士。

    He would never be improper, he is always the perfect gentleman.

    5. 他急於想表現得像個紳士。

    He is anxious to appear a gentleman .

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