The 朝花夕拾 is built in 1926 and november of lu xun on the back of the past, and write the article "from the memory of the copy of the prose. (《朝花夕拾》是魯迅於1926年2月至11月間追溯往事,而寫下的十篇“從記憶中抄出來”的散文。) Is his childhood memories for the flunkey species exterminated once and for the sincere, (既描寫了他對童年生活的回憶和對師友的誠摯的懷念,) And a true words 戊戌政變 and around the 1911 revolution was the experience of life"s (又真實地抒寫了戊戌政變和辛亥革命前後作者所經歷的生活種種)
The 朝花夕拾 is built in 1926 and november of lu xun on the back of the past, and write the article "from the memory of the copy of the prose. (《朝花夕拾》是魯迅於1926年2月至11月間追溯往事,而寫下的十篇“從記憶中抄出來”的散文。) Is his childhood memories for the flunkey species exterminated once and for the sincere, (既描寫了他對童年生活的回憶和對師友的誠摯的懷念,) And a true words 戊戌政變 and around the 1911 revolution was the experience of life"s (又真實地抒寫了戊戌政變和辛亥革命前後作者所經歷的生活種種)