  • 1 # 唯一8452

    His performance is the most talented dance.他的表演是最有才藝的舞蹈表演。

    They are the most talented dancers in the world. 他們是一群世界上最有天賦的舞者。

    This is the most talented dance I ever seen.

    He is rightly regarded as one of the world's most talented dancers of today. 他被看作是當今最具才氣天賦的舞者之一。

  • 2 # 使用者2799401237204

    1. Mary is the most talented dancer in her school.

    2. She is the most talented girl in our classroom.

    3. Hire the most talented, dependable people you can.

    4.The most talented musician of Broadway is Andrew Webber, who created many very famous musicals and operas, including Cats, Chicago, and the Phantom of the opera House.

  • 3 # 使用者2943980594139

    1.She is the most talented dancer


    2.Lily is the most talented dancer in our school


    3.In one competition, coco won the championship. She is the most talented dancer


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