  • 1 # 清涼一夏196188318

    1. an amount of 後只能接 不可數名詞, 意為“充足的, 大量的”

    There is an amount of rain here every year. 這兒一年又很充沛的雨水。

    2. a lot of (= lots of) 後邊即可接可數名詞複數形式, 也可接不可數名詞。意為“很多, 許多”

    I have a lot of books. =I have lots of books.

    There is a lot of milk in the cup. = There is lots of milk in the cup.

  • 2 # 使用者3461184713003

    英語巧辯詞彙20— an amount of/ amounts of

    ①an amount of/ amounts of 許多/大量, 修飾不可數n ,謂語v用由amount本身決定

    ②amount前面可用huge/great/large/good 修飾

    An amount of water is needed for the trees.

    Amounts of money were spent on school.

    Large amounts of gas were used up.

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