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    1.當if…not…引導非真實條件分句時,一般不可改用unless。 例如:  If she had not had an alarm clock,she would have missedthe train.(事實:她有鬧鐘。)  如果把上述例句中的if…not…換成unless,意義就相反了。  (誤)Unless she had had an alarm clock, she would havemissed the train.(事實:她沒有鬧鐘)  

    2.If…not…引導的條件分句可以重疊使用,unless則不可, 因為unless表示唯一條件。例如:  She won't lose weight if she doesn't keep a diet and ifshe does not take exercise every day.  

    3.unless引導的分句可用否定結構,而if…not …引導的分句不可再否定。例如:  Don't ask me to explain unless you really don't understand.  The directors have a meeting every Friday,unless there is nothing to discuss.  以上兩例句中的unless不可換成if…not…。  

    4.在unless引導的肯定形式的條件分句中, 通常用肯定詞(即some,already,still,too,as well等),在if…not…引導的分句中,通常用非肯定詞(即any,yet,ever,either,at all等)。例如:  I will criticize you if you haven't spoken to her yet.  I will criticize you unless you have already spoken to her.  (誤)…unless you have spoken to her yet.  不過在否定形式的非真實條件分句中,if…not …結構仍能與肯定詞連用。例如:  If he hadn't already prepared his lesson, he wouldn't beallowed to go.(因為這種從句表面上是否定,實際上是肯定。)  

    5.在間接引語中,當if=whether,意為“是否”,unless 不可以代替if…not…。例如:  She promised to let me know if she wasn't coming.  

    6.當unless含有“除了”的意思,不可為if…not…所替代。例如:  He never stammers,unless when he is angry.( unless when=except when)  Nothing will come out of it, unless disaster.(unless=except)  

    7.當主句是疑問句時,不可用unless代替if…not…。 因為unless用在A情況發生,必導致B結果之類的複合句中。例如:  What shall we do it they don't reply to our letters?  

    8.當主句謂語是be+某些形容詞或分詞,如:glad,surprised,disappointed,satisfied,ashamed,delighted和pleased等, 不可用unless代替if…not…。例如:  I'll be really surprised if they don't come to the meeting.  I'll be quite glad if she doesn't join them.  之所以不能為unless代替,是強調否定條件的出現,表明在這種前題下的因果關係。以上條件狀語從句都可變為原因狀語從句。例如:  I'll be really surprised that they won't come to the meeting.  這裡if被that代替了,而從句的否定結構不變。  綜上所述,unless既等於if…not…,在某些場合又不相等, 因此要牢記它們之間的差別,準確地使用它們。

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