  • 1 # Andy周455

    Good afternoon,my dear


    name is ***,I come from ***,a developing city which located in the ***(direction,such as northeast or southwest) of *** province. In 2006,I came to *** university,the very university in which now I am living.3 years ago,I chose *** university because I heared this school had a beautiful living circumstances and it was famous with its good academic atmosphere,another reason is Law is the one of the best specialties in the


    chose Law as my major probably because I want to be a judge when I was young,and I keep this dream in my deep heart all these years,I hope I would be able to judge many cases and help the poors or those who are unconscious of law protect their rights. My study planning is get the master"s degree first,then try hard to be a


    I can get a PhD"s degree or not,when I go into society,I will work in a Lawfirm first,then attempt to realize my dream gradually.

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