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    著名的萬里長城,像一條矯健的巨龍,蜿蜒曲折,蟠伏在中華大地上。萬里長城,氣勢磅礴,雄偉壯觀,是中國古代勞動人民創造的奇蹟,是世界上最宏偉的建築工程,是人類歷史上獨一無二、舉世無雙的。   萬里長城東起河北省的山海關,西到甘肅省的嘉峪關。它縱橫河北、北京、山西、內蒙古、寧夏、陝西、甘肅等七個省市自治區,曲折綿延長達6700公里,約有1.3萬華裡,所以被稱為“萬里長城”。英譯:The famous the Great Wall, like a vigorous dragon, winding coil volt in china. Great wall, the magnificent, magnificent, is our country ancient times the working people created a miracle, is the world's most ambitious construction project, is the history of mankind unique, unique in the world. The Great Wall east of Hebei in Shanhaiguan Province, to the west of Gansu in Jiayuguan province. It the seven provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of Hebei, Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Gansu and other aspect, winding stretched 6700 kilometers, about 1.3 million kilometers, so called "the Great Wall".

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