  • 1 # atpgmtnj

    luggage office[英][ˈlʌɡidʒ ˈɔfis][美][ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ˈɔfɪs]行李房; 例句:

    1.Retrieve one"s suitcase from the left luggage office. 從行李寄存處取回衣箱。

    2.Where is the lost luggage office? 行李遺失申報處在哪裡?

    3.You have to go to the luggage office. 你得到行李房去辦理。

    4.A left luggage office at cardiff station. 加的夫火車站的行李寄存處。

    5.I want to deposite my case in the left luggage office. 我想把箱子放在行李寄存處。

  • 2 # 使用者104702065382

      用一般過去時  at that moment  在那個瞬間;  例句:  

    1.Just at that moment, the animals in the zoo began to growl.  就在那一刻,動物園裡的動物們開始同聲咆哮。  

    2.At that moment, I didn"t know what to say.   那個時候,我真不知道該說些什麼。

  • 3 # 愛大海的聲音

    at case:在案例1、We"ll look at this case later in a concrete sample.在後文中的具體例子中可看到這種情況。2、So now we"re looking at the case of b2.我們現在看B2的例子。3、So now let"s just look at any casethat"s different.現在我們看看一個不一樣的例子。

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