  • 1 # 唯一8452

    1.What is my time zone?

    2.what is my name?

    3.What Is My IP Address?我的IP地址是什麼?

    4.What is that?那是什麼?

    5.What is your favourite sport?你最喜歡的體育運動是什麼?

    6.What is a rainbow?什麼是彩虹?

    7.What is this book?這是什麼書?

    8.What is in the box?盒子裡面是什麼?

  • 2 # 愛美食的小楊


    what"s your name?

    what did you do last night?

    what"s the weather like today?

  • 3 # 皮皮蝦916

    What is the level of this course?

    What is the main objective of this project?

  • 4 # 唯一8452

    1.What is creation and taste in your opinion?你認為創意與品位是什麼?

    2.What is effective to the management of the financial budget of China?對於中國財政預算的管理何以有效?

    3.What is the relationship between the Chinese contemporary art and the reality?中國當代藝術與現實的關係是怎樣的?

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 龍鳳柱 仙人掌養殖?