  • 1 # 小霞的日常Vlog

    make up of和consist of的區別:

    (1) consist of與make up of同義,區別在於consist of不能用於被動語態,而make up of則常用於被動語態。如:

    A car consists of (= is made up of) many different parts.

    (2)make up of多用於口語表達,consist of 則常見於書面表達。

  • 2 # 使用者7698895345900

    make up 組成,構成,彌補,側重表示組成部分組成了什麼東西,主語是組成部分(即成分)

    應該是be made up of 吧,表示由.......組成,被動語態,主語是一個整體的東西,它是有of後面的成分組成的。舉個例子吧,Mother ,father and Lily make up a small family.或者The small family is made up of mother ,father and Lily.這回是不是更明白了?!

  • 3 # 人生何處不相逢9099

    make up(主動 ) ...組成.....

    be made up of(被動) 由....組成


    six students make up the group. 6個學生組成了這個組

    the group is made up of six students.這個組是由6個學生組成。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 愉妃給永琪的信裡寫了什麼?