  • 1 # 北執36552

    1.No pains, no gains.一份耕耘,一份收穫

    2.You ain't seen nothing yet.你還沒看過更好(爛)的;好戲還在後頭

    3.To give a rain check 改天的邀請

    4.That's what friends are for.這就是好朋友啊

    5.It's a pain in the neck.很討厭而難避免

    6.It's the thought that counts.心意最重要;重在情意

    7.The tip for the iceberg.冰山一角;危險的細微的徵兆

    8.Jump down someone's throat粗暴地回答某人;無理地打斷某人的話

    9.Save something for a rainy day以備不時之需

    10.Behind the scenes.在幕後;在黑暗中

    11.By the skin of one's teeth.剛好,勉強,僥倖

  • 2 # 使用者56211571597

    Well, let me see...

    The piont I'm trying to make is that...

    Let me put it another way.


    Personally, I think/ feel/ believe/ suppose...

    My view on... is that...

    As far as I'm concerned,...

    As i see it,...


    I'm afraid I didn't quite catch you.

    I'm afraid I'm not quite clear about...

    Sorry, I can't follow you.

    Could you repeat the question, please?


    I couldn't agree more.

    My own view is precisely the same.

    That's exactly what I'm thinking about.

    I'm with you on that.


    I'm not sure.

    Well, that depends.

    I don't think so, really.

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