  • 1 # 慧姐愛美食

    no 加形容詞比較級加than表示“不比…..”

    比如,He is no taller than Tom. 他不比湯姆高。

  • 2 # 511個月的寶寶

    no more…than或not…any more than


    Mary is no more diligent than Tom. = Neither Mary nor Tom is diligent.瑪麗和湯姆倆人都不勤奮。


    We can no more leave the Party than fish can leave water.我們不能離開黨,正如魚兒離不開水一樣。

    比較:no less…than “(至少)和……一樣”

    He is no less active than he used to be. “他和以前一樣活躍。”

    not more… than“不如……;不及於……”,語氣常著重於後面的一個分句,常可與“not so/as … as”互換使用。

    This story is not more interesting than that one. = This story is not so/as interesting as that one.“這個故事不如那個故事有趣。”

    比較:嚴格說來not less…than 的意思是“至少不比…差”,意味著或許還要強一些,但現在基本和no less than混用。

    His English is not less than yours. “他的英語至少不比你的英語差

  • 3 # 誰都不容易幹嘛

    no後面加形容詞比較級所表達的意思是該形容詞反義詞的原級所表達的漢語意思,例如:He is no taller than his brother=he is as short as his brother.他和他的哥哥一樣矮.而如果是not 加比較級,打的漢意思是前者不如後者……。

    He is not taller than his brother.他沒有他哥哥高。

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