  • 1 # 嫻雅3L2m

    1,Helikes watching basketball matches. 他喜歡看籃球比賽

    2,Look at the blackboard please請看黑板 .

    3,Ican bird in the tree我看見樹上有一隻鳥 .

    4,My father often reads newspapers after dinner

    我父親經常在晚飯後看報紙 .

  • 2 # 師逸

    I'll see you tomorrow 我明天晚上見你。

    Can you see a film with me on the weekend?你週末能和我一起看電影嗎?

    One thing is certain: The world will be watching.有一件事是肯定的:全世界將拭目以待。

    Let's watch TV.咱們看電視吧!

    I wasn't looking forward to entering the ninth grade.我並不期待進入九年級。

    Why does the sky look blue?為什麼天空看起來是藍色的?

    Has Linds finished reading Little Women?Linds 讀完《小婦人》了嗎?

    I'm trying to read the 我正看地圖呢。

  • 3 # 創業小白1988

    我在看電視中在表示正在,用be doing看電視可以用 watch TV 所以可以這麼說:I am watching TV.希望可以幫助你!記得采納哦!

  • 4 # 我的未來式l


    1.I was watched Tv yesterday.

    2. I will buy a watch tomorrow.

  • 5 # 使用者7135934737094

    I watched the boy run in to the hospital yesterday afternoon,昨天下午我看見這個男孩跑進了醫院

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 人沒有朋友是不是很悲哀?