  • 1 # 山川故里cy

    I like reading.Reading can make people broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge.Read more books and accumulate good words and sentences in your spare time.It is helpful for learning Chinese.

  • 2 # I星星糖U

    Human Social Development Human beings should live in peace and not have all kinds of quarrels and divisions.The magic world will really develop very well.

  • 3 # 金金3347161680943

    的進步 新學期開始了,我已經是一名二年級的小學生了。和一年級相比起來,我取得了很大的進步

  • 4 # 魔法雪梨e

    I was poor in English before and I was very upset. My English teacher encouraged me and helped me to study, I made my mind to study hard. Every day I read English and do lots of exercises, soon I make great progress in it. I am very happy and my English teacher is very proud of me. Practice makes perfect , keep fighting!

  • 5 # 啦啦啦娜妮子



  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • oppo手機發影片中途中斷重新啟動啥情況?