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    The importance of Humanities

    University pressure I see that there are two kinds of pressure on college students today: economic pressure and parental pressure. It's easy to look for rebels everywhere, accusing universities of charging too much and parents pushing their children too far. But there are no rebels.

    There are only victims who are under heavy pressure to find jobs for students who are just about to graduate. If I were an employer, I would rather hire graduates with this breadth and curiosity than those who narrowly pursue safety subjects and high scores. I know countless students whose curiosity makes me happy.

    I like to listen to their ideas. I don't know whether their grades are a or C. I don't care.

    I also like that their country needs them. They will find satisfactory jobs. I tell them to relax.

    They can't and can't blame them. They live in a cruel economy. Even if he works part-time in University and works full-time in summer vacation, he can increase loans after graduation and encourage them Going to the world, he has fallen behind.

    How can he not feel the pressure of the whole university preparing for this day? The economic pressure and the pressure of parents are very important. The two are deeply integrated poor students. They are trapped in one of the oldest online love, responsibility and guilt parents.

    They are trying to guide their children to a safe future, but they are Their sons and daughters want to major in history, classics or philosophy, and have no "practical" value. What's the reward for humanities? To convince these loving parents that the humanities can really give them the ability to learn creative leaders in such fields as history and classics, just business or almost any other field.

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