1 # 緣點30
2 # 聿司妍
1. 借一點乾淨的Sunny讓我怦然心動。
2. 希望每一筆繪畫都是澄淨的未來。
3. 願你眼裡的星星溫柔氾濫人間至善。
4. 生活是自己的,盡情打扮,盡情可愛。
5. 請你努力奔跑,美好的事情在等著你。
3 # 使用者5375170259999
Don't give your heart away too easily, when you take it back, you know what the pain is.
I tried so hard to pretend I could feel you, and it was so sad.
They always wanted him to be what I wanted him to be, so they inevitably disappointed, cried and resented, and gradually fell out of love.
Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
In addition to the distant things, the distant places more lonely, distant happiness is how painful.
The taste of love is just like that you will spend a long time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.
In the depths of my heart, there are you unexpected pain, how long can you last, still keep my strongest smile?
Everyone will have an unforgettable memory in his heart, whether it is warm, sweet, cold or sad.
Simple quiet life is actually not happy, so I only embrace the eternal feeling, not happiness, so I only believe in the moment.
When I think of him, I think of him well. His smile, remember I once loved a person, don't care who began to betray, happy.
I will stop, stare at the back of the distance, tell myself: I have loved that person!
His pale face and sad, lost eyes expressed a heart of great pain.
4 # 溫柔星辰2I
1. 宇宙山河爛漫,人間點滴溫暖都值得我前進。
2. 曾經小鹿也亂撞過,後來小鹿長大了,走路賊穩。
3. 一切都會好的,像日出一樣,越來越好。
4. 被窩是天堂在人間設的分店。
5. 當原則遇上心動就會不停破例。
6. 時間是一隻藏在黑暗中的溫柔的手,在你一出神一恍惚之間,物走星移。
5 # 使用者1395275344828
1. 有些事不是看到了希望才去堅持,而是因為堅持了才會看到希望。
2. 你在的時候,你是一切。你不在的時候,一切是你。
3. 大概世間萬物都有去處,而你才是我的歸宿。
4. 不管你去往何方,不管將來迎接你的是什麼,請你帶著Sunny般的心情啟程。