  • 1 # ssq559

    回答:lucky歌曲原唱是 Cris Delanno。


    原唱:Cris Delanno

    Do you hear me

    I'm talking to you

    Across the water across the deep blue ocean

    Boy I hear you in my dreams

    I fell your whisper across the sea

    I keep you with me in my heart

    You make it easier when life gets hard

    Lucky I'm in love with my best friend

    Lucky to have been where we have been

    Lucky to be coming home again


    They don't know how long it takes how long it takes

    Waiting for a love like this

    Every time we say goodbye we say goodbye

    I wish we had one more kiss

    I wait for you I promise you I will

    I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

    Lucky to have been where we have been

    Lucky to be coming home again

    Lucky we're in love every way

    Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

    Lucky to be coming home someday

    And so I'm sailing through the sea

    To an island where we'll meet

    You'll hear the music feel the air

    I put a flower in your hair

    Though the breeze is through trees

    Move so pretty you're all I see

    Has the world keep spinning round

    You hold me right here right now

    Lucky I'm in love with my best friend

    Lucky to have been where we have been

    Lucky to be coming home again

    Lucky we're in love in every way

    Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

    Lucky to be coming home someday

    Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

    Ooooh ooooh oooh

    Oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

    Oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

  • 2 # 使用者8120740559908


    第一次正式在音樂上的合作,也是戚薇成為“人妻”後,收到的第一份“生日禮物”。這首歌的作曲者是李承鉉多年的哥哥,之前TAKE團隊中的申承熙。該歌曲由唐恬作詞,申承熙作曲,戚薇和李承鉉演唱。該歌曲收錄同名專輯《lucky lucky》中,發行與2014年10月[1]。 2015年4月11日,戚薇、李承鉉憑藉該曲獲得第三屆音悅V榜年度盛典年度最佳合作獎。

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