  • 1 # 藍天38623

    《Can't Let Her Get Away》( 不能讓她離去)


    I Thought She Had To Have It 我想她是曾經對我有感覺的

    Since The First Time She Came 在她第一次到來之後

    Who Knows The Situation 誰知道情況呢

    Mysteries Do Remain 依然有很多不能理解的事情

    And Now I Wonder Why 現在我還在想為什麼

    I Breakdown When I Cry 我崩潰了,哭了

    Is It Something I Said 是因為我說了的什麼嗎

    Or Is It Just A Lie 還是這根本只是一個謊言

    (Is It Just A Lie) (這只是一個謊言嗎?

    )I Try So Hard To Love You 我努力地去愛你

    Some Things Take Time And Shame & 為此我付出了時間和頷顏

    I Think The Whole World Of You 我仍會去想你的世界

    Your Thoughts Of Me Remain 和你心目中的我

    I'll Play The Fool For You 我會為你去裝作傻瓜

    I'll Change The Rules For You 我會為你去改變原則

    Just Say It And I'll Do 只要說出來我便會去做

    Just Make This Thing Come True 只是為了讓這事成真

    (Make A Dream Come True) (使一個夢成真)

    If I Let Her Get Away 如果我讓她離開了

    Though I'm Begging On My Knees 即使我跪著乞求

    I'll Be Crying Everyday 我每天都會哭

    Knowing The Girl That Got Away 因為女孩已經離我而去

    I Can't Let 我不能讓

    I Can't Let Her Get Away 我不能讓她離去

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Tried To Mastermind It 我嘗試過去克服它

    By Saying Let It Be 對自己說隨它去吧

    But Everytime I Did It 但是每當我這樣做

    The Hurt Came Back At Me 傷痛便會又找到我

    I Told You That I Need You 我告訴過你我需要你

    A Thousand Times And Why 千次萬次,但為什麼

    I Played The Fool For You 即使我為了你去裝作傻子

    And Still You Said Goodbye 你還是說了再見

    (Still You Said Goodbye) (你還是說了再見)

    If I Let Her Get Away 如果我讓她離開了

    Then The World Will Have To See 那麼世界就會看到

    A Fool Who Lives Alone 一個孤單的傻瓜

    And The Fool Who Set You Free 一個給了你自由的大傻瓜

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I've Got The Feelin' 我有了這種感覺

    Can't Let Go 不能放開

    Can't Let Go 不能放開

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away

    I Can't Let

    I Can't Let Her Get Away...

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