  • 1 # 唯一8452

    1.The soft part includes host computer module program, main drive module program and arm drive module program.


    2.Evaluation on Nutrition Components of the Soft Part in Solen gradis


    3.The soft part of the armrests our designer is just considerate beckons you to sink into the chair and have a good rest.


  • 2 # 使用者5375170259999

    1、This soft board bores easily.

    2、Moss is soft like velvet.

    3、Soak, be soft and happy.

    4、His tone became soft and conspiratorial.

    5、Our cat has very soft fur.

    6、The night was soft and persuasive.

    7、The analysts need to operationalize soft goals into implementable requirements.

    8、Avoid soft vinyl products and cosmetics containing "Fragrance."

    9、Quiet and smelless, they feel tiny and soft underfoot.

    10、Leaves your skin soft and silky from head to toe.

    11、Foam rubber is soft rubber full of small air-bubbles.

    12、The paper introduces some mining measures in soft coal seam of Linnanchang Mine and soft floor by leaving top coal. The measurements ensure safety mining.

    13、After processing the soft references, the set of weakly reachable objects is identified — objects for which no strong or soft references exist.

    14、Age 3+) A set of 4 different colors tangram ,which made of soft EVA broad. Size of 8’’X8’’.They are soft,smooth and quiet while playing.

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  • advice的語法?