  • 1 # R是鴨鴨呀


    1. 表示“建議”“勸告”“忠告”等,是不可數名詞,若表示一條或幾條建議或勸告,要借用 piece, bit, word 這樣的詞。如:

      Here are two pieces of advice. 這是兩條建議。

      Let me give you a bit of advice. 讓我給你一點忠告吧。

    2. 表示按照某人的意見做某事,一般要用介詞 on 或 by。如:

      We did the work by her advice. 我們按她的意見做此工作。

      Claire went to Paris on Sarah’s advice. 克萊爾聽取薩拉的忠告去了巴黎。

    3. 表示提出建議或忠告,一般用動詞 give;表示向某人請教或徵求意見,一般用動詞 ask (for);表示接受意見或勸告,一般用動詞take, follow, accept 等。如:

      The old often give good advice to the young. 老年人常常對年輕人提出金玉良言。

      You should ask for the teacher’s advice. /You should ask the teacher for advice. 你應該去徵求老師的意見。

    4. 表示對某人的忠告,其後通常接介詞to。如:

      My advice to you would be to wait. 我勸你等著。

      Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall. 給予投資者的建議是以利率將繼續下降這一點為前提的。

    5. 表示關於某事的忠告,其後通常接介詞about或on。如:

      He asked me for my advice on what he should do. 他徵求我的意見該做些什麼。

      You will need to seek professional advice about your claim for compensation. 你在索賠的問題上需要內行人士作指導。

    6. 表示忠告做某事,其後通常接不定式作定語。如:

      We took his advice to remain silent. 我們接受了他的忠告,保持沉默。


      My advice is to give yourself up to the police. 我的建議是你去自首。

    7. 其後若出現 that 從句,通用“should+動詞原形”這樣的虛擬語氣。如:

      My advice is that he (should) give up smoking. 我建議他戒菸。

      Our advice is that the company (should) invest in new equipment. 我們的意見是公司應在新裝置上進行投資。


      1. Substantial numbers of rank and file members ignored their union's advice.有相當一部分普通員工不理睬工會的建議。

      2. She did not take kindly to being offered advice.她不喜歡別人給她提建議。

      3. The service covers contraceptive advice and health checks, and is available free.服務專案包括避孕建議和健康檢查,並且免費提供。

      4. You'll also get expert advice on keeping your hair in good condition.你還會獲得有關如何保持良好髮質的專家建議。

      5. We are taking advice on legal steps to recover the money.我們正在就追回該款項所需的法律程式諮詢律師。

  • 2 # 陌塵緣j



    3.advice通常作為不可數名詞,指“忠告”,“建議”等含義,如a piece of advice。表達“報告”,“通知”等意思時,常以複數形式advices出現。

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