  • 1 # 姍妮兒

    答:Your friend's company makes you successful:

    A person has a friend to accompany, so growth is not alone.

    Altman because there is the company of small monster, so every day are full; male because Doraemon company, so don't be afraid of loneliness; SpongeBob because of Patrick's company, so carefree alive. And I, because of a friend's company, so very happy.

    Not to buckle on "friends," the word is true friendship, not to "friend" word back buckle "accompany" word is really the company of friends in when there is a need to go fetch to use, but not when there is no need to bring use. The same company is not always with you around, you can also be sad when you lose your side, so that you have enough courage to face all the difficulties.

    Whenever I due to failure or encountered setbacks in the corner crying, comfort my friend, let me to summon up the confidence to difficult to go to, no matter what the result is, I will smile because at least I have friends and family to accompany.

    Each person is a friend, natural and few friends to accompany, regardless of the success of the well-known people, or humble, unknown workers, they are behind, always have a friend to accompany. Perhaps some people think that is very cheap, not worth a text, but they just use a secular view of it, perhaps until lost, they will know how to cherish.

    Cherish these accompany, because the meeting is a beacon of life.

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