  • 1 # 不完美的敏

    1.Conceptions About Harmony Between Man And Nature In Modern Room Design人與自然共生理念在現代居室設計中的體現

    2.Head For Co-Existence--The Existence Philosophy Of Human And Nature,Person And Person;走向“共生”——人與自然,人與人的生存哲學

    3.Talk About The Harmonious Symbiosis Between Ethical Thought Of "Reverence Towards Life" And Man-Nature;論敬畏生命倫理思想及人與自然的和諧共生

    4.The Native Population Is The "Sami" Who Live Traditionally From Hunting And Fishing, In Symbiosis, Even If Nowadays In A Technological Version, With Their Environment.當地人被稱作薩米人,自古以漁獵為生。甚至在今天,他們仍然過著與自然共生共存的生活。

    5.Several Viewpoints About The Ethical Theory Of Harmonious Co-Existence Between Human And Nature;“人與自然和諧共生”倫理理念的若干思考

    6.The Harmony Of Human Being And Nature--Pu Song-Ling S Ecological View In "Strange Stories From A Chinese Studio";人與自然圓融共舞——蒲松齡《聊齋志異》的生態觀照

    7.Co-Existence And Harmong:Man S Fundamental Ethical Attitude To Nature;共生與和諧:人類對待自然的基本倫理態度

    8.The Native Population Is The “Saami” Who Live Traditionally From Hunting And Fishing, In Symbiosis, Even Nowadays, With Their Environment.當代居民是薩米人,自古以漁獵為生,即使在今天,他們仍然與自然環境共生共存。

    9.Harmony Between The Living Space And Natural Environment--Research On The Ecological Living Culture Of The Northwest Minorities;人居空間與自然環境的和諧共生——西北少數民族聚落生態文化淺析

    10.Harmonious Coexistence Of Man And Nature人與自然的和諧共生——居住小區建設與管理的思考

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