  • 1 # 使用者3759960442811667

    第五章 未來式 5-1 未來式的基本規則 如果我們在句子中,有需要提到未來的事情,就可以使用未來式,舉例來說,以下的句子都用未來式。 i will go to america tomorrow. he will dance tonight. peter will finish his work next month. 如果不用〝will〞,我們可以用〝verb to be +going to+ verb〞,如果我們如此做,以上的三個句子就變成了以下的句子 i am going to go to america tomorrow. he is going to dance tonight. peter is going to finish his work next month. 以下是一些未來式的例子: 1. i will call you tonight. i am going to call you tonight. 2. he will graduate next june. he is going to graduate next june. 3. mr. lee will teach us english soon. mr. lee is going to teach us english soon. 4. he will help you. he is going to help you. 5. the war will break out soon. the war is going to break out soon. 6. it will rain tonight. it is going to rain tonight. 有一個規則必須注意,就是will是一個助動詞,現在式第三人稱單數的主詞,仍不用在will後面加s。不僅如此,will後面的動詞必須用成原式,如果用verb to be +going to+ verb這裡面的verb也必須用原式。 因為這裡面的to式infinitive,infinitive裡面永遠要用原型動詞。 以下例子都是錯的 1.*he wills go to school. 2.*he will goes to school. 3.*they will went to work tomorrow. 4.*tom is going to saw me tonight. 5.*peter is going to working next month. 未來式常和別的句子用在一起,以下是典型的例子: 1. when you come tomorrow, i will already be in taipei. 2. after i graduate, i am going to be a good doctor in africa. 3. before i leave tomorrow, i will finish my work. 4. after the war is over, every one will be happy. 5. i will go to a concert after my classes are over. 6. i will eat lunch as soon as i have time. 但千萬不可寫出以下錯誤的句子: *when you will come tomorrow, i will already be in taipei. *after the war will be over, every one will be happy. *i will eat lunch as soon as i will have time.

  • 2 # 使用者3372932366081140

    英語未來時又稱一般將來時,有兩種形式:一:動詞be(am,is,are)+going to do sth.譯為將要做某事。

    二:will +動詞原形,意思也是將要做某事。未來式的基本規則。如果我們在句子中,有需要提到未來的事情,就可以使用未來式,舉例來說,以下的句子都用未來式。i will go to america tomorrow. he will dance tonight. peter will finish his work next month. 如果不用〝will〞,我們可以用〝verb to be +going to+ verb〞,如果我們如此做,以上的三個句子就變成了以下的句子 i am going to go to america tomorrow. he is going to dance tonight. peter is going to finish his work next month. 以下是一些未來式的例子: i will call you tonight.i am going to call you tonight. he will graduate next june.he is going to graduate next june.

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