  • 1 # ssq559


    是《It's a long road》嗎

    It's a long road 這條路是那麼的漫長,

    When you're on your own 當你孤單一人,

    And it hurts when they tear your dreams apart 他們撕碎了你的夢

    And every new town just seems to bring you down 試著讓心靈平靜,

    Trying to find peace of mind can break your heart 卻只會讓你的心碎……

    It's a real war 那是一場真正的戰爭,

    right outside your front door, I tell you 它就發生在你家的門外……

    Out where they'll kill you 他們真的會殺了你,

    You could use a friend 你有一個朋友可以信任……

    Where the road ends, 那路的盡頭才是我要去的地方,

    that's the place for me 那裡有我的夢想……

    Where I'm in my own space

    where I'm free

    That's the place I wanna be

    Cause the road is long, yeah 但那條路是如此的漫長……

    Each step is only the beginning 每一步都只不過是個開始……

    No place, just heartaches 無處可去,只剩下心痛……

    Oh man, is anybody winning? 這場戰爭到底有沒有贏家?

    It's a long road, 這是一條那麼漫長的路,

    and it's hard as hell 象地獄一樣沒有盡頭的折磨……

    Tell me what do you do to survive 告訴我,是什麼讓你堅持下去?

    When they drop first blood 當第一滴血流下,

    That's just the start of it 那只是個開始

    Day and night, 不管是白天還是黑夜,

    you got to fight to keep alive 你只能戰鬥因為你要活下去

    It's a real war 那是一場真正的戰爭,

    right outside your front door, I tell you 它就發生在你家的門外……

    Out where they'll kill you 他們真的會殺了你,

    You could use a friend 你有一個朋友可以信任……

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