burst out laughing 放聲大笑
die of laughing 笑得要死
die with laughing 笑得要死
Don't make me laugh. [口, 諷]你太可笑了, 你真荒謬。
fall about laughing [口]忍不住大笑
for laughs [美俚]為了取樂, 作為消遣, 藉以開心
get the laugh at sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh at sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh of sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh of sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh on sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh on sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh over sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh over sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh at sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh at sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh of sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh of sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh on sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh on sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh over sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh over sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have a good laugh 盡情地笑
have a hearty laugh 盡情地笑
have the last laugh 笑在最後; 取得最後勝利
get the last laugh 笑在最後; 取得最後勝利
He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first. [諺]先自嘲的人, 不會見笑於人。
He laughs best who laughs last. [諺]最後笑的人笑得最好。
He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. [諺]要笑別人駝背, 自己就要挺起胸膛走路。
join in the laugh 隨著大笑
on the laugh 笑著
raise a laugh 引人發笑
raise a laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.) 使某人成為取笑的物件, 使某人處於可笑的地位
turn the laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.) 使某人成為取笑的物件, 使某人處於可笑的地位
Laugh and grow fat. [諺]常笑發福, 心寬體胖。
laugh at因...而笑 嘲笑 付之一笑
laugh away 笑著不理, 付之一笑 笑著消磨時間
laugh down 以笑聲打斷(講話等); 以笑聲拒絕(建議等)
laugh fit to kill [口]拼命地笑, 狂笑
laugh off 對...付之一笑; 以笑來排除...
laugh over 笑著談論; 想著...發笑
laugh sb. out of 以談笑的方式使某人忘記(憂愁等)
laugh sb. out of worries 以談笑的方式使某人忘記(憂愁等)
burst out laughing 放聲大笑
die of laughing 笑得要死
die with laughing 笑得要死
Don't make me laugh. [口, 諷]你太可笑了, 你真荒謬。
fall about laughing [口]忍不住大笑
for laughs [美俚]為了取樂, 作為消遣, 藉以開心
get the laugh at sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh at sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh of sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh of sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh on sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh on sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh over sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
get the laugh over sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh at sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh at sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh of sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh of sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh on sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh on sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh over sb.(=get the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have the laugh over sb.(=have the laugh on one's side) 輪到自己嘲笑某人, 勝過某人, 使某人丟臉
have a good laugh 盡情地笑
have a hearty laugh 盡情地笑
have the last laugh 笑在最後; 取得最後勝利
get the last laugh 笑在最後; 取得最後勝利
He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first. [諺]先自嘲的人, 不會見笑於人。
He laughs best who laughs last. [諺]最後笑的人笑得最好。
He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. [諺]要笑別人駝背, 自己就要挺起胸膛走路。
join in the laugh 隨著大笑
on the laugh 笑著
raise a laugh 引人發笑
raise a laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.) 使某人成為取笑的物件, 使某人處於可笑的地位
turn the laugh against sb.(=put the laugh on sb.) 使某人成為取笑的物件, 使某人處於可笑的地位
Laugh and grow fat. [諺]常笑發福, 心寬體胖。
laugh at因...而笑 嘲笑 付之一笑
laugh away 笑著不理, 付之一笑 笑著消磨時間
laugh down 以笑聲打斷(講話等); 以笑聲拒絕(建議等)
laugh fit to kill [口]拼命地笑, 狂笑
laugh off 對...付之一笑; 以笑來排除...
laugh over 笑著談論; 想著...發笑
laugh sb. out of 以談笑的方式使某人忘記(憂愁等)
laugh sb. out of worries 以談笑的方式使某人忘記(憂愁等)