  • 1 # 聰明雪梨ac


      小明非常聰明,學習成績在班裡一直名列前茅,可是他有一個缺點,就是不太節儉。   一天放學回家,媽媽已經做熟飯了,端上來了香噴噴的饅頭。小明一口氣吃了一個饅頭,又拿起一個饅頭吃起來,可是吃了兩口就飽了,他就隨手扔了出去,只聽“啪”的一聲,正好打中了從外面走過的好朋友小亮。   小明說:“對不起,我不是故意的。”小亮說:“沒關係,我正有事找你呢。古詩《鋤禾》我忘了。”小明說:“我背給你聽。鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾下土。誰知盤中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”   小亮又問道:“這首詩的意思是什麼呢?”小明說:“很簡單。就是說農民伯伯種莊稼不容易,我們應該節約糧食。”小亮舉起手中的饅頭說:“那這半個饅頭是誰扔的?”小明的臉紅了。   從此,小明養成了節約的好習慣。

      Xiao Ming is very smart, academic performance in the class has been among the best, but he has a shortcoming, that is not frugal.   One day home from school, my mother has cooked rice, and the end of the fragrant bread. Xiao Ming breath to eat a steamed bread, and picked up a bread to eat up, but eat two full, and he casually threw out, just listen to "snapped" soon as, just hit the good friend from the outside Small bright.   Xiao Ming said: "I'm sorry, I am not intentional." Xiao Liang said: "It does not matter, I have something to find you." Poem "hoe Wo" I forgot. "Xiao Ming said:" I back to you. Afternoon, sweat dripping under the soil. Who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain are hard.   Xiao Liang said: "What is the meaning of this poem?" Xiao Ming said: "is very simple. That is to say that farmers are not easy to plant crops, we should save food." Xiao Liang raised his hand, said: This is half of the bread who throw it? "Xiao Ming's blush.   Since then, Xiao Ming has developed a good habit of saving.

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