  • 1 # JyChn

    下面這段話來自設計師Nic Galway本人:

    Through an exclusive interview with HYPEBEAST, we sat down with adidas Originals VP of Global Design Nic Galway to speak about the newest creation, where it came from and what it aims to do for the lifestyle urbanite. Nic also commented on his team, working alongside the likes of Yohji Yamamoto and Kanye West and reflects on his extensive history at adidas — one that spans an incredibly impressive 16 years.First and foremost – what does NMD stand for?Basically, what I wanted to ensure was that the name wasn’t too descriptive. We always name our products, but when I’m designing with my teams, I don’t want it to set too much in their minds what it is we’re going to create. So we started talking a lot about basically connecting the past and the future, modern design, and we also talked about our lives, traveling, and connecting and gaining new experiences. So we bounced around many things and we came up with the code of NMD. And sometimes later on, someone will come up with a new name but it didn’t in this case. Everybody just started talking about it like that, and it seemed right. So we stuck with it. And I like that people ask me what it means because then you can decide how you want to adopt that into your life.

    設計鞋的過程中NMD只是一個程式碼,如果賦予一個真實的含義就會對設計理念有侷限性。當NMD設計好之後大家都習慣了它的稱呼所以沿用了下來。如果你硬要加一個意思,我喜歡這個nomad的含義,因為Adidas官網上有designed for a nomadic lifestyle這樣的廣告語卻並不特指NMD。記得是nomad不是no mad,你“特麼”才是個瘋子。

  • 2 # 球鞋志

    感謝邀請,從字面意思而言MND是NO MAD 的縮寫,直接翻譯過來來為--不瘋狂的,但adidas Originals MND 在現實中的表現卻恰恰相反,一經發售發售便引起球鞋圈瘋狂的搶購,尤其是首發配色,更是每位鞋頭必備的利器。每次發售必然萬人空巷,爭相購買。

    adidas Originals NMD是繼Ultra Boost和Yeezy之外Adidas Originals 有一雙火爆全球的球鞋鞋款,眾多明星和潮流ICON紛紛上腳穿著,發售價1000多元的球鞋甚至被炒賣到6000元的價位卻一鞋難求的少有鞋款,當然眾多明星和潮流ICON的爭相穿著,也為 adidasOriginals NMD的曝光和傳播增磚添瓦。

    NMD結合了多款經典的設計於一身,比如Micro Pacer、The Rising Star、以及The Boston Super。

    球鞋融合了最新的BOOST中底減震科技和Primeknit鞋面材質給消費者最舒適的穿著體驗,也是革新技術與復古的完美融合,舒適,容易搭配,明星同款,限量,等等都是 adidasOriginals NMD熱銷的原因之一。

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