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1.taper:['teɪpə] v. 1.逐漸變窄;2.(使某物)變小,變少,逐漸終止 n. (長形物體的)逐漸變窄
例如:He tapered the stick with a knife.
2.tarnish:['tɑːnɪʃ] v. (使)失去光澤,(使)變灰暗
例如:Brass tarnishes quickly in wet weather.
3.tarry:['tɑːrɪ] v. 耽擱,逗留 a. 瀝青的
例如:He tarried a few days in New York.
4.tatters:['tætɚz] n. 碎布,破舊的衣服
例如:in tatters 1.(衣服)破舊的;2.破產的,潦倒的
5.taunt:[tɔːnt] v. 諷刺,奚落n. 嘲笑人的話
例如:Some of the girls taunted her about her weight.
6.tedium:['tiːdɪəm] n. 厭倦,乏味
7.teeter:['tiːtə] v. 步履蹣跚,左右搖擺
1. Babble ∶v. 含糊不清地說胡言亂語地說 The babies babbled as they played.嬰孩們一邊玩一邊咿咿呀呀地學說話。
2.Baffle ∶v. 使困惑,使難倒,使受挫
The question baffled me completely and I couldn't answer it.這個問題把我徹底難倒了,我答不出來。
3.Baleful∶a. 兇惡的,有害的 The robber gave me a baleful look.那強盜用威脅的眼光看著我。 4. Balk ∶v. 猶豫不決,舉棋不定
I wanted to buy the dress,,but I balked at the high price.我本想買這件連衣裙 ,但一看價錢太高就猶豫了。
The children badgered me into taking them to the cinema.孩子們吵著要我帶他們去看電影。
6. Ballast∶ n.壓載物,壓艙物v. 給……裝壓艙物
7.Ballistics∶n.(有關槍炮發射的)彈道學 8.Balm ∶ n.護膚膏;香膏 Lip balm 潤唇膏
9.Balustrade ∶ n. 欄杆,扶欄
She leaned over the balustrade and shouted to the man downstairs.她俯身在陽臺欄杆上對樓下的人們喊著。
10.Banal ∶陳舊的;平庸的;乏味的
Making banal remarks was one of his bad habits.他的壞習慣之一就是喜歡說些陳詞濫調。