  • 1 # 奮鬥的年齡不鬆懈


    24 (Fox)《反恐24小時》第八季即將於2010年1月上映,是中國觀眾比較熟悉的劇集,每一集都是緊張的44分鐘,讓你過足癮。

    An action and drama series, 24 is a popular espionage show, following Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) in "real-time" mode. Each episode highlights approximately 44 minutes of the characters" lives, which sets a unique style to the show. Season 8 will be premiering on January 2010.


    30 Rock (NBC)《我為喜劇狂》得獎專業戶,說的是喜劇製作人的故事,女主角蒂娜·菲超級有才,目前該劇進入到第四季。

    Who doesn"t love a little Tina Fey-created humor? 30 Rock is a comedic story of a head writer attempting to manage the staff of a particular variety show. The series currently highlights a principle cast of 13, including Fey. It is currently running its fourth season.


    The Big Bang Theory (CBS)《大爆炸理論》聚焦科學極客們的有趣劇集,書呆子從未如此可愛。現在是第三季。

    Meet Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons), Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki), Howard Wolowitz (Simon Helberg), and Raj Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar), the four most adorable-or most frightening, take your pick-geeks on primetime television. The show mainly follows physicists Leonard and Sheldon and their geekfest as well as their interactions with bombshell neighbor Penny (Kaley Cuoco). The Big Bang Theory is currently running its third season.


    Bones (Fox)《識骨尋蹤》當罪案遇上冷幽默遇上曖昧的感情戲,就有了這部超有愛的劇集。不但案件有趣男女主人公外加配角的個性也是極大看點。現在第五季了。

    Just one of the ever-popular crime drama series, Bones follows Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan (Emily Deschanel) and Special Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz), who solve crime cases using forensic anthropology, the study of human remains. Bones is in its fifth season.


    Castle (ABC)《靈書妙探》小說家與偵探的奇妙組合,居然也能在破案之餘擦出火花。嚴肅與搞笑兼備,還挺新的,才第二季。

    Novelist Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) band together to solve crimes. After being brought in for a crime case that copied actions from his latest literary work, Castle becomes duly inspired once the case has been solved. The show is relatively new, and is now in its second season.


    CSI (CBS)《罪案現場調查》大概是最有口碑的罪案劇了,比較重口味,據說看過之後對別的劇集裡頭的遺體都會沒感覺。十季啦,長壽劇。

    A group of criminologists attempt to solve murders using intricate lab work to examine physical evidence left at the crime scenes. The series has garnered multiple spinoffs, including CSI: Miami and CSI: NY. It has been picked up for its 10th season and is currently running.


    The Daily Show/The Colbert Report (Comedy Central)《每日脫口秀》脫口秀節目從來都是美國很多電視臺收視率的保證,其中的不少政治笑話也有助於你瞭解時事。

    You can"t really talk about one show without mentioning the other, hence their being grouped together. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are both television personalities with their separate late night talk shows. Both are political satirists (Colbert"s character is notably an egomaniacal right-wing patriot), and both provide their audiences with hysterical material.


    Desperate Housewives (ABC) 《絕望主婦》前第一夫人最愛的美劇,不但女人愛看,不少男性也為之吸引,生活化和真實化則是其最大賣點。

    Taking place in fictional Fairview, the series follows five very different-yet scintillatingly attractive-women all living in Wisteria Lane. The show features a voice-over narration of Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong), a housewife who commits suicide at the pilot episode of the series. In most cases, each housewife holds secrets bordering from mundane domestic disputes to criminal actions. Desperate Housewives is on its sixth season as of September 2009.


    Dexter (Showtime)《雙面法醫》男主角個性十足,一面是冷峻法醫,一面是冷麵殺手,專門對付無法透過司法等正規途徑懲治的壞人。2010年它將迎來第四季全新的12集。

    Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall) works as a blood spatter analyst by day and is a morally-governed serial killer by night. Dexter struggles with his urge to kill; with the help of his father Harry (James Remar), Dexter quenches his thirst for murder by getting rid of the town"s "trash": the uncaught murderers. The show has just finished its fourth season and will have a 12-episode showing of the fifth in 2010.


    Doctor Who (BBC)《神奇博士》英國出品,最具影響力的科幻類劇集,上世紀60年代便以面世,2005年帥氣的翻拍更是時空穿越、人氣無限。

    A British television science fiction series dating origination from the 1960s, this show has sparked a worldwide interest after its revival in 2005 (starring Christopher Ecclestone as the title character). The series itself follows The Doctor-a 900-year-old Time Lord from now-defunct Gallifrey-and his female companions in their travels through space and time. The show currently stars David Tennant as the 10th reincarnation of the doctor, soon to be succeeded by Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor in 2010.


    Family Guy (Fox)《惡搞家族》笑到噴飯的動畫喜劇,每個人物都個性十足,其中還包括一條狗。目前演到了第8季。

    This animated sitcom was created by Seth MacFarlane and revolves around a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois Griffin, children Meg, Chris, and the diabolically lovable Stewie, and Brian, the family dog. It is in its eighth season.


    FlashForward (ABC)《未來閃影》頗具潛力的09年新劇,科幻題材,根據得獎小說改編,全世界陷入了137秒昏迷的時候,有一部分人看到了未來的景象。它將於3月迴歸螢幕。

    FlashForward has gained momentum these past few months. The science fiction series tells the story of a phenomena where everyone on Earth loses consciousness for 137 seconds. In that time span, people get a glimpse of their lives in the future. Led by Stanford Wedeck (Courtney Vance) and Mark Benford (Joseph Fiennes), FBI agents try to determine what happened. The next 14 episodes of its first season is scheduled to show in March 2010.


    Friends (NBC)《老友記》毫無疑問,這部是永恆的經典。不管你是要輕鬆一笑,還是輕鬆學英語,《老友記》都是你的首選。

    While the series has already ended, there is no doubt that Friends has become one of the most popular sitcoms of American television. The story revolves around six friends who from time and time again live together and share their triumphs and woes. All of the main cast members have become household names after the ten successful seasons of this show.


    Glee (Fox)《歡樂合唱團》後現代音樂劇集,類似於《歌舞青春》但比後者質量高得多得多。其中的演員大多音樂劇出身,劇集音樂絕佳,劇情也頗吸引人,不容錯過。

    A post-modern musical series akin to-though more tasteful than-High School Musical, Glee follows a group of very different high school students who are all in the same glee club. A variety of songs have been sung and revised by the Glee cast members, ranging from classic rock, to pop, to hip hop, and to showtunes. The show will return on the air on April 2010 to finish out its 9 remaining episodes of the first season.


    Gossip Girl (CW)《緋聞女孩》儘管遭到種種非議,曼哈頓上東區名媛公子們糾結複雜的感情與生活,已經吸引了無數人的眼球。好歹能看人看衣服……

    People try to deny all they want about not watching this series, but deep down inside everybody loves a good gossip, especially when it doesn"t concern them. The purpose of the blogger "Gossip Girl" (voiced by Kristen Bell) is to highlight the glamorous, though tumultuous, lives of Manhattan socialites, particularly those of the Upper East Side. Gossip Girl is currently running its third season.

    時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題


    One of the popular medical dramas, the show starts by showcasing the lives of five surgical interns and their mentors in Seattle Grace Hospital, a fictional teaching institution in Seattle, Washington. The show has gained millions of viewers as the series progressed, and is currently one of the most watched primetime shows, with its sixth season still on air.


  • 2 # 娛樂Regal







    4 《老友記》【共十季】


    5 《老爸老媽浪漫史》【共九季】




  • 3 # 愉懿說





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