  • 1 # HHMHY

    you never can tell創作於2008年5月7日。

    you never can tell-歌詞

    演唱者:chuck berry

    it was a teenage wedding

    and the old folks wished them well

    you could see that pierre

    did truly love the mademoiselle

    and now the young monsieur

    and madame have rung the chapel bell

    "c'est la vie" say the old folks

    it goes to show you never can tell

    they furnished off an apartment

    with a two room roebuck sale

    the coolerator was crammed

    with tv dinners and ginger ale

    but when pierre found work

    the little money coming worked out well

    "c'est la vie" say the old folks

    it goes to show you never can tell

    they had a hi-fi photo boy did they let it blast

    seven hundred little records

    all rock rhythm and jazz

    but when the sun went down

    the rapid tempo of the music fell

    "c'est la vie" say the old folks

    it goes to show you never can tell

    they bought a souped-up jitney

    'twas a cherry red '53

    they drove it down new orleans

    to celebrate their anniversary

    it was there that pierre was married

    to the lovely mademoiselle

    "c'est la vie" say the old folks

    it goes to show you never can tell

    it was a teenage wedding

    and the old folks wished them well

    you could see that pierre

    did truly love the mademoiselle

    and now the young monsieur

    and madame have rung the chapel bell

    "c'est la vie" say the old folks

    it goes to show you never can tell

  • 2 # 劉依依不捨


    You Never Can Tell是Chuck Berry在60年代演唱的一首著名歌曲。由於在昆汀塔倫蒂諾的電影《低俗小說》中被引用而為90年代影迷所熟知。


    查克·貝里 Chuck Berry(1926年10月18日 –2017年3月18號、吉他演奏家。貝里是搖滾樂發展史上最有影響的藝人之一,他的吉他演奏風格鮮明,作品融合了布魯斯與鄉村音樂的元素,善於創作與青少年息息相關、充滿時代感的音樂。

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