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    歌手:Eminem   專輯:Replease   發行時間:2009年   中英文歌詞:(Musical intro)   im just so f**king depressed   i just cant seem to get out this slump   if i could just get over this hump   but i need something to pull me out this dump   i took my bruises took my lumps   fell down and i got right back up   but i need that spark to get psyched back up   and in order for me to pick the mic back up   i dont know how or why or when   i ended up this position im in   im started to feel dissin again   so i decided just to pick this pen   up and try to make an attempt to vent   but i just cant admit   or come to grips the fact that i may be done with rap   i need a new outlet   and i know some shits so hard to swallow   but i cant just sit back and wallow   in my own sorrow but i know one fact   ill be one tough act to follow   one tough act to follow   ill be one tough act to follow   here today gone tomorrow but you'd have to walk a thousand miles   我就是感到很壓抑   似乎就是無法從蕭條中逃出去   除非我能把這座山頭給翻過去   我需要一些東西把我從憂鬱里拉出去   身上帶著淤青和腫塊   摔倒了也立刻爬起來   但我需要那種快(河蟹)感來使我的精神振作起來   這樣才能回到麥克風前   不知道怎麼做到因為什麼或什麼時候,我   告別了處在這種狀態中的我   再次開始想要發難瀉火   所以我便拿起筆來開火   但我真的無法承認一個事實   就是我可能會和饒舌一同去死   我要一個新的出口   並且我懂有些事情無法吞的下喉   但我會退後一步在我的傷感中顛簸   但我知道一個事實,那就是   跟隨我的腳步可不是一件輕鬆的事   不用嘗試   跟隨我的腳步不是一件輕鬆的事   時光流逝但你會擁有自己的漫漫人生   Chorus:   in my shoes, just to see   what its like, to be me   ill be you, lets trade shoes   just to see what id be like   to feel your pain, you feel mine   go inside eachothers minds   just to see what we'd find   look at shit through eachothers eyes   it dont matter saying you aint beautiful   they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you   dont matter saying you aint beautiful   they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you   用我的眼,去發現   成為我是什麼感覺   交換靈魂,我是你   看看我究竟能不能   感受你的痛,我的痛   深入彼此的靈魂中   試試看會有什麼新發現   透過對方的眼看看彼此的世界   別人說你不夠美那根本無所謂   讓他們去死你只需問心無愧   說你不夠美那根本無所謂   讓他們去死你只需問心無愧   i think im starting to lose my sense of humor   everythings so tense and gloom   i almost fee like i gotta check the temperature of the room just as soon as i walk in   its like all eyes on me i try to avoid any contact   cuz if i do that then it opens the door for conversation like i want that   im not looking for extra attention i just want to be just like you   blend in with the rest of the room maybe just point me to the closest restroom   i dont need no f**king man servant tryin ta follow me around and try to wipe my a*s   laugh at every single joke i crack and half of them aint even funny like hahhhhh   "marshall your so funny man you should be a comedian god d**n"   unfortunately i am i just hide behind the tears of a clown   so why dont you all sit downn   listen to the tale that im about to tell   hell we dont gotta trade our shoes   and you dont gotta walk no thousand miles   我覺得我的幽默感已經開始離我遠去   所有事情繃得那麼緊看起來那麼憂鬱   剛踏入房間就覺得氣氛不對想把它給換的乾乾淨淨   就像所有人都在盯著我而我不想找麻煩   因為如果我開了口就好像我喜歡找麻煩   我不想過多惹人注目我只想成為你   和大多數人關係融洽或許只是告訴我最近的休息室在哪裡   我TM不需要誰來做我的跟屁蟲拍我馬屁   對我說的每個笑話都“哈哈哈哈哈”笑到面部抽筋,儘管它們中有一半根本就無聊透頂   “marshall哥們你太逗了你TM該去當個喜劇演員”   不幸的是我只是個小丑我藏在自己眼淚的後面   所以說你們為什麼不試試靜靜(河蟹)坐下來   聆聽我將要訴說的故事   丫的我們不用互換角色   而你將無法知道我的苦澀   Chorus:   in my shoes, just to see   what its like, to be me   ill be you, lets trade shoes   just to see what id be like   to feel your pain, you feel mine   go inside eachothers minds   just to see what we'd find   look at shit through eachothers eyes   it dont matter saying you aint beautiful   they can(河蟹)all get fxxked just stay true to you   dont matter saying you aint beautiful   they can(河蟹)all get fxxked just stay true to youuuuu   用我的眼,去發現   成為我是什麼感覺   交換靈魂,我是你   看看我究竟能不能   感受你的痛,我的痛   深入彼此的靈魂中   試試看會有什麼新發現   透過對方的眼   別人說你不夠美那根本無所謂   讓他們去死你只需問心無愧   說你不夠美那根本無所謂   讓他們去死你只需問心無愧   nobody asked for life to deal us with these bullshit hands we're dealt   we gotta take these cards ourselves and flip em dont expect no help   now i could have either just stayed at home sit on my ass and pissed and moaned   or take this situation with which im placed in and get up and kick my own   i was never the type of kid to wait by the door and pack his bags   and sat on the porch and hope and prayed for a dad to show up who never did   i just wanted to fit in in every single place every school i went   i dreamed of being that cool kid even if it meant acting stupid   and edna always told me keep making that face and it'll get stuck like that meanwhile im just standing there holding my tongue trynwa twalk like dwis   then i stuck my tongue on that frozen stop sign pole at 8 years old   i learned my lesson then cuz i wasn't trying to impress my friends no more   but i already told you my whole life story   not just based on my description   cuz where you see it from where your sittin its probably 110% different   i guess we would have to walk a mile in eachothers shoes at least   what size you wear? i wear tens   lets see if you can fit your feet   沒有人要求生活給自己現在正在處理的棘手事情   我們得自力更生所以別對別人給你幫助寄於希望   現在我可以呆在家呆坐著無病呻(河蟹)吟   也可以面對我的狗屎事情振作自己   我從來不是那種在門(河蟹)口等待收拾書包的乖小孩   坐在走廊裡並祈禱老爸出現儘管他一直沒有來   我只是希望能融入我去的每一所學校   我夢想我能做個酷小孩即便要表現的很傻   EDNA告訴我要保持笑臉而我面部都快僵了   然後我就開始一言不發在哪裡想要裝酷   接著我如同墜入冰窟無法言語,那年我才8歲   那時我吸取了教訓因為我不想在引起朋友的注意   但我已經告訴了你們我生命中全部的故事   不止是建立在我的筆墨文字上   因為換個角度看你的看法將會110%不一樣   我猜我們至少該互換鞋子在彼此的生命裡走上一英里   你鞋碼多大?我穿10號   看看你的腳穿我的鞋能不能正正好   Chorus:   in my shoes, just to see   what its like, to be me   ill be you, lets trade shoes   just to see what itd be like   to feel your pain, you feel mine   go inside eachothers minds   just to see what we'd find   look at shit through eachothers eyes   it dont matter saying you aint beautiful   they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you   dont matter saying you aint beautiful   they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you   so   it dont matter saying you aint beautiful   they can all get f**ked just stay true to you   so   用我的眼,去發現   成為我是什麼感覺   交換靈魂,我是你   看看我究竟能不能   感受你的痛,我的痛   深入彼此的靈魂中   試試看會有什麼新發現   透過對方的眼   別人說你不夠美那根本無所謂   讓他們去死你只需問心無愧   說你不夠美那根本無所謂   讓他們去死你只需問心無愧   (music outro)   em:   yeah   to my babies   stay strong   daddy will be home soon   and to the rest of the world   god gave you shoes to fit you   so put em on and wear them   be yourself man   be proud of who you are   and even if it sounds corny   dont ever let anyone tell you you ain't beautiful   EM:   yeah   獻給我的寶貝們   要堅強   爸爸就快到家了   獻給世上其他的人   上帝給了你屬於你的鞋子   繫好鞋帶,整裝待發   做你自己,兄弟   為你的本色而自豪   就算這話聽著有點老土   不要讓任何人說你不夠美。(想到了Notorious BIG對他女兒說:dont let anyman call u a bi*tch)

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