  • 1 # -O-12

    Jake sully, a former Marine paralyzed by combat wounds, decides to go to Pandora in place of his dead sibling.


    Manipulating Dr Grace's "avatar" hybrid by combining human genes with those of the local na 'vi tribe.

    (操縱格蕾絲博士用人類基因與當地納美部族基因結合創造出的 “阿凡達” 混血生物。)

    Jack's goal is to infiltrate the na 'vi tribe and persuade them to voluntarily leave their ancestral homes.


    SecFor could then clear the area of virgin forest to extract expensive "unreachable" mines underground.


    While exploring Pandora, jack meets natri, a princess of the na 'vi tribe.


    She learned the na 'vi's survival skills and attitudes toward nature.


    Meanwhile, the SecFor manager and army representative, colonel myers, loses patience and decides to use force to drive out the na 'vi.


  • 2 # 努力成為很哇塞的人x

    Avatar (Avatar) is directed by James Cameron, Twentieth Century Fox produced, Sam Worthington, Zoe Soldana and Sigourney Weaver, who starred in science fiction film , Which was released in North America on December 16, 2021 in 2D, 3D and IMAX-3D formats.

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  • 全球經濟“大裂化”,普通人還有機會嗎?