  • 1 # 陳天滿

    Nowadays, it is the common situation for the young people to stay up, some are addicted to the computer games, and some are going out and find fun with their friends. The lack of sleep not only makes them work inefficiently, but also hurts their health.


    The lack of sleep always happens among young people, and most of them expect to make up sleep on weekends, but even they do so, it still hurts their body, for the irregular lifestyle in most of the time. I used to staying up playing computer games or watching TV series at midnight. After a week, I found my skin became darker and there came some freckles. So I decided to give up stay up and kept enough sleep. A few days passed, my skin became better and I had the energy to study.


    Enough sleep can also make us stay young. Look at those people who look young in an old age. The secret is to keep healthy lifestyle and taking enough sleep is one of the important ways. Don’t think you are young and have the energy to stay up, some day, you have to pay for it.

  • 2 # 啦啦啦娜妮子


    1 一個人,如果睡眠不足,人就會變得肥胖、虛弱且思考遲鈍,人反應變慢、愚鈍,導致神經衰弱,嚴重的為睡眠不足,而焦慮不安,患上抑鬱症。

    2 每個人每天都需要7到8小時的睡眠。如果低於這個,精氣神就會打折扣!早睡早起,是保證充足睡眠的前提與規律。

    3 睡覺是人類的本能,不要認為能睡是問題,能睡是福!亦不要認為睡眠多一點,就是懶!也不是躲避或退縮,而是一種社會參與健康的生活方式行為。

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