  • 1 # 乖巧湖泊A

    At 12:41 on July 23, 2020, China's first self launched "tianwen-1" probe was launched from Wenchang space launch site in Hainan by long March-5 yao-4 carrier rocket and successfully put into the predetermined orbit .

    After flying in the earth fire transfer orbit for about 7 months, the probe arrived near Mars, and entered the orbit of annular fire after completing Mars capture on February 10, 2021.

    After that, the plane was selected to launch Mars scientific exploration missions such as landing and inspection. The established goal is to find evidence of current and past life, and to assess the planet's environment.

    China has landed on the moon three times, and even managed to bring one of its robotic lunar explorers back to Earth. Can it now pull off the challenge of landing on Mars?


    The country’s space agency will complete a key step toward that goal on Wednesday when Tianwen-1, the spacecraft the country launched last July, attempts to orbit the red planet.


    If the arrival at Mars succeeds, China will try to place a lander and a robotic rover on the planet later this year. It would join what could by then be a trio of NASA spacecraft studying the Martian surface.


    China has said that the spacecraft will arrive at Mars on Wednesday. But the China National Space Administration and state media have not provided more specific information.


    The orbiter carries a lander and a rover which will make the difficult transit to the surface. China says it will attempt to land on Mars in May, but it has not specified a date.


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