  • 1 # 考研大聰明




    比如:Perhaps it’s time to have a new thought on the idea that……也許是時候對…有個全新的認識了。


    比如:Once in (a newspaper), I read of …the topic of …has aroused widely public attention.一次看報紙,我看到…話題,引起了社會的注意。



    比如:When talked about…, most people say…But many other people regard…as…I personally think…當談及…時,大部分人認為…但是還有很多人認為…我個人認為…。


    比如:”Give me a fulcrum, I can lever the earth.” came from the famous people in the world VI Archimedes Kevin. This remark has been shared by more and more people. I personally think…“給我一個支點,我可以敲起整個地球。”語出世界名人阿基米德。此話被越來越多的人分享。我個人認為…。

    比如:Should/ What…? Opinion of…vary greatly, some say…, others think… But in my opinion,…… .


    比如:For many years,… had been viewed as … But people are taking a new look now. With the growing … , people …在過去的多年,…有…的觀點,但現在人們對其有了新的認識,隨著…的增長,人們…。

    比如:Recently the rise in problem /phenomenon of … has aroused / cause worldwide/public concern. But/ And my opinion is …現今,…問題/現象…引起了社會的廣泛關注。但是我認為…。




    比如:Why…? For one thing … For another … There are many reasons for this problem. First /For one thing … Second / For another … Third/ Still another …


    比如:In involves some serious consequence for …


    比如:The benefits gained from B are much greater than that of A.(肯定其中之一)/ A and B have several things in common .They are similar in that…(二者有共同點)




    比如:I agree that we need to make sure that animals used for testing new products have the minimum of suffering. Nevertheless , I’m convinced that animal testing is necessary, and that it will benefit humans in marvelous and new ways.


    比如:While we can’t work it out immediately, still there are methods. The most popular is … Second one is … Third one is …


    比如:We must call for an immediate solution, as the current situation of … ,if allowed to proceed, will surely lead to the heavy cost of …


    比如:It’s time that we urged an immediate end to the undesirable tendency of …


    如果你想要更詳細的作文解析的話,可以試試巨微英語《四級真題逐句精解》,不光有 參考範文,還有很多解題技巧。我之前基礎很差,算是英語渣吧,後來也是學姐給推薦的這本真題,說是專門針對基礎薄弱的人的,基礎不好,也是惡補了一通才追上來的。這本每篇的真題都是一詞一句細講的,重點的單詞和句子語法也都有很詳細的解析,各種基礎補到位以後再做題也會輕鬆很多,很實用。

  • 2 # 文棟講解美國迦納英語

    很多的套句,也可以自己研究。像寫 I think的時候就用in my opinion. 不僅 而且這種連詞從句和英語差不多 not only +主謂賓 , but also+主謂賓。 並列連詞從句就用出來了。 總之就是不要把句子寫成I THINK 這種低階英語就可以了。

  • 3 # 30年教齡的70後





    Part 1


    With the advent of the Internet, … plays an important role in our daily life.

    With the develop of science and technology, … plays an important part in our daily life.

    With the rise in the stand of living, increasing attention is drawn/called to …


    While it is commonly believed that A … , I believe B …

    While it is generally held that A … , I believe B …

    While it is wildly accepted that A … , I believe B …

    Part 2


    It is true that A …

    To be sure, A …


    But the chief faults are …

    But the obvious defects are …


    Studies show that …

    Researches demonstrate that …

    Experiments reveal that …


    On the contrary, the advantages of B … far outweigh advantages of A …

    On the other hand, the advantages of B … carry more weight than advantages of A …


    For one thing, B …


    For another, B also …


    Although B fails to … few things can be compared with B in terms of …

    Although B can not … few things can match/equal B in terms of …

    Part 3


    The advantage of B is more than …

    The significance of B is more than …

  • 4 # 德約




  • 5 # 雪鷹展翅

    在寫英語作文時,不要一昧去套用萬能套句。一篇好的英語作文,應該是從自己心裡所寫出來,而不是套用別人的句子。英語學得時間越長,腦海裡記住的精美句子就越多,這些句子不一定是範文出現過的,有時候是自己靈感一出現就想出來的句子。所謂的萬能套句,很多都是千篇一律,也就是大部分人都在用的句子,缺乏創造性,評卷老師看了也不會給很高的分數。如果要總結萬能套句,只要去翻查幾篇大學英語四級作文範文基本上都可以總結出來。套用範文的句子只能說是寫出了形,而不能有點睛之筆。我們在寫英語作文的時候,先不急著下筆,首先認真看一遍題目,仔細分析作文結構,可能用到的單詞和片語,也可以把這些句子先寫在草稿紙上。待會寫作的時候再把這些句子放進去,但是一定要確保這些句子語法無誤。比如說寫一篇植樹節的文章,字數120個字左右。首先想到的是植樹節英語怎麼說?Tree Planting Day. We plant trees on March 12th to protect the environment......

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 本人大一,對本專業無感,不知道以後能做什麼,職業規劃很迷茫,我該怎麼辦?