  • 1 # 詩成泣鬼神477

    I have much work to do. 我有許多要做的事情。(與work有動賓關係,與I有主謂關係)

    Jay is looking for a room to live in. Jay在找一間住的房間。(與room有動賓關係,與Jay 有主謂關係)

    She has a family to support.她要維持一個家庭。(與family有動賓關係,與she有主謂關係)

    Need, want, require(要求,需要),

    deserve (應得,值得),

    be worth 值得),

    not bear (經受不住) 後面應該接doing主動表被動。


    The novel is worth reading. 這本書值得一讀。

    The old temple requires repairing. 這座古寺廟需要修繕了。

    These young seedlings will require/need looking after (=need to be looked after) carefully.


    Your hair wants/needs cuttinI have much work to do. 我有許多要做的事情。(與work有動賓關係,與I有主謂關係)

    Jay is looking for a room to live in. Jay在找一間住的房間。(與room有動賓關係,與Jay 有主謂關係)

    She has a family to support.她要維持一個家庭。(與family有動賓關係,與she有主謂關係)

    Need, want, require(要求,需要),

    deserve (應得,值得),

    be worth 值得),

    not bear (經受不住) 後面應該接doing主動表被動。


    The novel is worth reading. 這本書值得一讀。

    The old temple requires repairing. 這座古寺廟需要修繕了。

    These young seedlings will require/need looking after (=need to be looked after) carefully.這些幼苗將需要小心的呵護。

    Your hair wants/needs cutting (needs to be cut).你該理髮了。g (needs to be cut).你該理髮了。


    difficult, easy, comfortable (舒適的、安逸的),


    hard, cheap, expensive, 等

    此時結構為:主語+系動詞+形容詞 + 不定式;動詞+賓語+形容詞+不定式。


    The question is quite difficult to answer. 這個問題真的很難以回答。

    The work is easy to do. 這項工作很輕鬆。

    I found the bus comfortable to ride in. 我覺得這種公交車坐著很舒服。

    That makes letter difficult to write. 那就讓這封信很難寫了。

  • 2 # 使用者8995552738520

    Yesterday,when I saw him,he was playing basketball.

    Yesterday,when I saw the dog,it was being fed.

  • 3 # 使用者9719817106333

    doing表示主動,應該屬於現在分詞的功能,所謂主動,就是指句中主語也是分詞doing的邏輯主語,都是主語發出的動作。比如 The boy sat under the tree,reading a book.那男孩坐在樹下,在讀一本書。而ed表被動,說的是過去分詞的功能,表示ed過去分詞,與主語是被動關係。比如 Scolded by his father, the boy felt unhappy.被父親責罵後,那男孩覺得不開心。

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