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      better than a hallelujah~  歌手Amy Grant的專輯《Somewhere Down The Road》中的歌曲。  歌詞  God loves a lullaby in a mother's tears in the dead of night 上帝喜愛在寂靜的夜晚 母親眼淚裡的催眠曲  Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有時候 勝過哈里路亞  God loves a drunkard's cry 上帝欣賞一個酒鬼的喊叫  The soldier's plea not to let him die 戰士的懇求不會讓他死亡  Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有時候 勝過哈里路亞  We pour out our miseries 我們訴說著自己的苦難  God just hears a melody 上帝只將那當作旋律傾聽  Beautiful the mess we are 我們的混亂被美化  The honest cries, of breaking hearts 支離破碎的心 發出真切的哭喊  Are better than a Hallelujah 勝過哈里路亞  A woman holding on for life, a dying man giving up the fight 一個女人堅持著生活一個垂死的男人放棄戰鬥  Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有時候 勝過哈里路亞  Tears of shame for what's been done 恥辱的眼淚為他們所作而流  The silence when the words won't come 無言以對時 只有沉默  Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有時候 勝過哈里路亞  We pour out our miseries 我們訴說著自己的苦難  God just hears a melody 上帝只將那當作旋律傾聽  Beautiful the mess we are 我們的混亂被美化  The honest cries, of breaking hearts 支離破碎的心 發出真切的哭喊  Are better than a Hallelujah 勝過哈里路亞  Better than a church bell ringing 比教堂響起的鐘聲更美好  Better than a choir singing out 比合唱團的歌聲更美好  Singing out 唱出來  We pour out our miseries 我們訴說著自己的苦難  God just hears a melody 上帝只將那當作旋律傾聽  Beautiful the mess we are 我們的混亂被美化  The honest cries, of breaking hearts 支離破碎的心 發出真切的哭喊  Are better than a Hallelujah 勝過哈里路亞  試聽http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/qxBpYARAGOE/

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