  • 1 # 風雨人生路漫漫一世情

    ,Treat somebody to something和treat Somebody with something,在平常的使用中,我們更經常的是運用treat somebody with something用某物來招待某人,例如They treated Her with some delicious food,他們用一些美食來招待他,Treat somebody something或者treat somebody with something表達都是正確的

  • 2 # 青傘素衣

    兩者後跟隨都是名字,但是treat sb. with sth強調以……方式對待某人,後跟隨的是情感方式的名次,比如treat sb with kindness 善意地對待某人 ,treat sb with respect 對某人尊敬 ,treat sb with disregard 怠慢某人。

    相類似的有serve sb with sth,entertain sb with sth。

    而treat sb. to sth強呼叫......物質款待某人,客觀存在的物質取款待某人,比如食物,假期。

    1、treat sb. with sth:(用某種物質) 處理,以……方式對待某人,嘗試用;

    eg:It is,of course, important if you use animal testing to treat the animals with as much dignity as possible。


    Artie treated most women with indifference。


    About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide。


    2、treat sb . to sth:用……對待某人,招待,款待

    eg:She was always treating him to ice cream。


    Tomorrow I'll treat myself to a day's gardening。


  • 3 # 自強必盛


    treat sb to sth意思是招待某人吃什麼東西。

    treat sb with sth意思是以……方式對待某人。處理;應付

    Food psychologist Dr Christy Fergusson believes people view cakes as an innocent treat to be Shared.食物心理學家Christy Fergusson表示,人們將蛋糕認為是一種單純的分享。

    They refused to treat with us on equal terms.他們拒絕在平等的基礎上與我們談判。

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